Posted on Jan 14, 2019
For a while now we have provided two versions of the OEB for reading online.
One version, dubbed the ‘Study’ version, is based on the Bible Browser software used by the Digital Bible Society for their website. This is a powerful webapp allowing for comparison of the OEB with other translations and the original Greek and Hebrew of the Bible.
However we’ve also provided another version, dubbed the ‘Read’ version which has a different aim. This version is light on resource use - with almost no javascript - and it also light in functionality. It is all about the reading. Verse and chapter markers are moved out of the text, and the text is presented with paragraphs and poetry formatted for clarity.
A new version of this ‘Read’ site is being worked on, and a preview is online at
It still needs polish and to work better on mobile devices, so if you are reading this and have CSS/JS skills and want to help, we’d love to talk to you. But even if you don’t, feedback with suggestions for improvement would be great.