1 My friends, even if someone should be caught committing a sin, you who are spiritually minded should, in a gentle spirit, help them to recover themselves, taking care that you yourselves are not tempted. 2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so carry out the law of the Christ. 3 If a person imagines themselves to be somebody, when they are really nobody, they deceive themselves. 4 Let everyone test their own work, and then their cause for satisfaction will be in themselves and not in a comparison with their neighbor; 5 for everyone must bear their own load. 6 The person, however, who is being instructed in the message ought always to share their blessings with their teacher.
7 Do not be deceived. God cannot be mocked. What a person sows that they will reap. 8 For the person who sows the field of their earthly nature will from that earthly nature reap corruption; while the one who sows the field of the spirit will from that spirit reap eternal life. 9 Let us never tire of doing right, for at the proper season we will reap our harvest, if we do not grow weary. 10 Therefore, I say, as the opportunity occurs, let us treat everyone with kindness, and especially members of the Household of the faith.