He that touches pitch shall be defiled;
And he that has fellowship with a proud man shall become like to him.
Take not up a burden above your strength;
And have no fellowship with one that is mightier and richer than yourself.
What fellowship shall the earthen pot have with the kettle?
This shall strike, and that shall be dashed in pieces.
The rich man does a wrong, and he threatens withal:
The poor is wronged, and he shall entreat withal.
If you be profitable, he will make merchandise of you;
And if you be in lack, he will forsake you.
If you have substance, he will live with you;
And he will make you bare, and will not be sorry.
Hath he had need of you? then he will deceive you,
And smile upon you, and give you hope:
He will speak you fair, and say, What need you?
And he will shame you by his meats,
Until he have made you bare twice or thrice,
And at the last he will laugh you to scorn:
Afterward will he see you, and will forsake you,
And shake his head at you.
Beware that you be not deceived, and brought low in your mirth.
If a mighty man invite you, be retiring,
And so much the more will he invite you.
10 Press not upon him, lest you be thrust back;
And stand not far off, lest you be forgotten.
11 Affect not to speak with him as an equal,
And believe not his many words:
For with much talk will he try you,
And in a smiling manner will search you out.
12 He that keeps not to himself words spoken is unmerciful;
And he will not spare to hurt and to bind.
13 Keep them to yourself, and take earnest heed,
For you walk along in peril of your falling. 14  The
15 Every living creature loves his like,
And every man loves his neighbor.
16 All flesh consorts according to kind,
And a man will cleave to his like.
17 What fellowship shall the wolf have with the lamb?
So is the sinner to the godly.
18 What peace is there between the hyena and the dog?
And what peace between the rich man and the poor?
19 Wild asses are the prey of lions in the wilderness;
So poor men are pasture for the rich.
20 Lowliness is an abomination to a proud man;
So a poor man is an abomination to the rich.
21 A rich man when he is shaken is held up of his friends;
But one of low degree being down is thrust away also by his friends.
22 When a rich man is fallen, there are many helpers;
He speaks secrets, things not to be spoken, and men justify him:
A man of low degree falls, and men rebuke him withal;
He utters wisdom, and no place is allowed him.
23 A rich man speaks, and all keep silence;
And what he says they extol to the clouds:
A poor man speaks, and they say, Who is this?
And if he stumble, they will help to overthrow him.
24 Riches are good that have no sin;
And poverty is evil in the mouth of the ungodly.
25 The heart of a man changes his countenance,
Whether it be for good or for evil. The
26 A cheerful countenance is a token of a heart that is in prosperity;
And the finding out of parables is a weariness of thinking.
+Or,alike workTheword is of very doubtful meaning.1:5+Verses1:55 and 7 are omitted by the best authorities1:7+Verses1:75 and 7 are omitted by the best authorities1:15+1:15Gr.1:15nested.1:18+1:18Gr.health1:18of cure.1:18+The1:18remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.1:21+Verse1:2121 is omitted by the best authorities.1:23+Most1:23authorities read1:23resist.1:23+1:23Or,1:23until1:23his1:23season1:24+1:24Or,1:24until1:24his1:24season1:28+The1:28remainder of this line is omitted by the best authorities.2:4+2:4Gr.in2:4the changes of your humiliation.3:7+The3:7preceding words of this verse are omitted by the best authorities.3:19+Verse3:1919 is omitted by the best authorities.3:25+Most3:25authorities omit verse 25, and transpose the lines in verse 26.3:27+3:27Gr.3:27sins.4:13+4:13Or,4:13she4:19+4:19Gr.to4:19the hands of his fall.4:20+4:20Or,an4:20evil man4:22+4:22Or,be4:22not abashed4:23+4:23Gr.in4:23an occasion of safety.4:23+Most4:23authorities omit this line.4:29+Some4:29authorities read4:29rough.4:31+4:31Or,drawn4:31back5:4+The5:4remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.5:7+A5:7line of this verse is here omitted by the best authorities.5:11+The5:11remainder of this line is omitted by the best authorities.6:4+6:4Or,a6:4rejoicing6:5+6:5Gr.A6:5sweet throat.6:5+6:5Gr.6:5his.6:7+6:7Or,in6:7the time of trial6:14+6:14Or,6:14covert6:15+6:15Gr.6:15weight.6:28+6:28Or,6:28it6:30+Numbers6:3015:38.6:32+6:32Or,6:32shrewd7:9+7:9Or,7:9them7:12+7:12Gr.Plow7:12not.7:15+7:15Gr.7:15created.7:20+7:20Or,7:20soul.7:26+Many7:26authorities omit this line7:26+7:26Or,7:26hated7:36+7:36Or,7:36words8:10+8:10Gr.fire8:10of his flame.8:18+8:18Or,8:18it9:9+A9:9line of this verse is here omitted by the best authorities.9:12+9:12Gr.9:12Hades.9:13+9:13Or,9:13authority10:9+The10:9text here is uncertain.10:9+Two10:9lines of this verse are here omitted by the best authorities.10:19+The10:19MSS. here greatly differ. The rendering represents the most probable text.10:21+Verse10:2121 is omitted by the best authorities.10:27+The10:27Greek text of this verse is uncertain.11:5+11:5Gr.11:5tyrants11:15-16+Verses11:15-1615 and 16 are omitted by the best authorities.12:6+The12:6remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.12:8+12:8Or,12:8punished12:11+12:11Or,it12:11has not utterly rusted him13:13+13:13Gr.along13:13with.13:14+The13:14remainder of verse 13, and verse 14, are omitted by the best authorities.13:22+13:22Or,secrets,13:22and13:25+The13:25remainder of this verse is omitted by the best authorities.