Hear therefore, you⌃ kings, and understand;
Learn, you⌃ judges of the ends of the earth:
Give ear, you⌃ that have dominion over much people,
And make your boast in in multitudes of nations.
Because your dominion was given you from the Lord,
And your sovereignty from the Most High;
Who shall search out your works,
And shall make inquisition of your counsels:
Because being officers of his kingdom you⌃ did not judge aright,
Neither kept you⌃ the law, nor walked after the counsel of God.
Awfully and swiftly shall he come upon you;
Because a stern judgement befalleth them that be in high place:
For the man of low estate may be pardoned in mercy,
But mighty men shall be put searched out mightily.
For the Sovereign Lord of all will not refrain himself for any man’s person,
Neither will he reverence greatness;
Because it is he that made both small and great,
And alike he takes thought for all;
But strict is the scrutiny that comes upon the powerful.
To you therefore, O princes, are my words,
That you⌃ may learn wisdom and fall fall not from the right way.
10 For they that have kept holily the things that are holy shall themselves be accounted hallowed;
And they that have been taught them shall find what to answer;
11 Set your desire therefore on my words;
Long for them, and you⌃ shall be trained by their discipline.
12 Wisdom is radiant and fades not away;
And easily is she saw those who love her,
And found of them that seek her.
13 She forestalleth them that desire to know her, making herself first known. 14 He that rises up early to seek her shall have no toil,
For he shall find her sitting at his gates.
15 For to think upon her is perfectness of understanding,
And he that watches for her sake shall quickly be free from care.
16 Because she goes about, herself seeking them that are worthy of her,
And in their paths she appears to them graciously,
And in every purpose she meets them.
17 For her her true beginning is desire of discipline;
And the care for discipline is love of her;
18 And love of her is observance of her laws;
And to give heed to her laws confirmeth incorruption;
19 And incorruption makes brings near to God;
20 So then desire of wisdom promoteth to a kingdom.
21 If therefore you⌃ delight in thrones and sceptres, you⌃ princes of peoples,
Honor wisdom, that you⌃ may reign for ever.
22 But what wisdom is, and how she came into being, I will declare,
And I will not hide mysteries from you;
But I will trace her out from from the beginning of creation,
And bring the knowledge of her into clear light,
And I will not pass by the truth;
23 Neither indeed will I take pining envy for my companion in the way,
Because envy shall have no fellowship with wisdom.
24 But a multitude of wise men is salvation to the world,
And an understanding king is tranquillity to his people.
25 Wherefore be disciplined by my words, and thereby shall you⌃ profit.
1:1+1:1Gr.in1:1goodness.1:3+1:3Gr.1:3convicts.1:5+1:5Gr.1:5convicted.1:6+Some1:6authorities readthe1:6spirit of wisdom is loving to man.1:6+1:6Or,1:6reviler1:7+1:7Gr.the1:7inhabited earth.1:8+Some1:8authorities readNor1:8indeed.1:14+Or,1:14allthe1:14racesof1:14creaturesin1:14the world1:14+1:14Or,a1:14royal house1:16+1:16Or,1:16Hades1:16Gr.1:16him.1:16+1:16Or,were1:16consumedwith1:16love of him2:1+2:1Or,2:1among2:1+2:1Or,returned2:1out of Hades2:2+2:2Or,reason2:2is a spark2:2kindledby2:2the beating of our heart2:4+2:4Gr.weighed2:4down.2:5+2:5Or,there2:5is no putting back of our end2:5+2:5Or,comes2:5again2:6+2:6Or,that2:6are2:6+2:6Gr.2:6earnestly.2:6+Some2:6authorities readeven2:6as our youth.2:7+Some2:7authorities read2:7air.2:11+2:11Gr.2:11convicted.2:12+2:12Or,2:12law2:13+2:13Or,2:13child2:20+2:20Gr.there2:20shall be a visitation of him out of his words.2:21+2:21Or,2:21malice2:23+Some2:23authorities read2:23everlastingness.3:9+3:9Or,they3:9that are faithful through love shall abide with him3:10+3:10Or,that3:10which is righteous3:14+3:14Or,the3:14grace of3:14God’s3:14chosen3:14Gr.a3:14chosen grace.3:18+Some3:18authorities read3:18have3:19+3:19Gr.the3:19ends...are grievous.4:1+4:1Gr.of4:1it.4:2+4:2Gr.in4:2the age.4:3+4:3Gr.4:3from4:3+4:3Or,4:3offshoots4:4+4:4Gr.in4:4boughs flourish.4:11+4:11Or,4:11malice4:13+4:13Gr.4:13times.4:14+4:14Or,he4:14hastened4:14him4:14away4:15+4:15Gr.such4:15a thing as this.4:15+4:15Gr.his4:15visitation is with.4:18+4:18Or,be4:18for outrage4:19+4:19Or,be4:19a perpetual desolation4:20+4:20Or,when4:20they reckon up their sins5:2+5:2Or,5:2him5:3+5:3Or,5:3among5:3+5:3Or,reproach,5:3we fools: we accounted5:7+See5:7Proverbs 14:14.5:8+5:8Gr.5:8with5:11+5:11Or,with5:11the violent rush, is passed through by the motion of her wings5:13+5:13Gr.5:13failed.5:14+5:14Gr.as5:14foam chased to thinness:5:14or,as5:14thin foam chased.5:14+Most5:14Greek authorities readhoar5:14frost:some5:14authorities, perhaps rightly,a5:14spider’s web.5:17+5:17Or,to5:17repel his enemies6:2+6:2Or,in6:2the multitudes of your nations6:4+6:4Or,the6:4law6:6+6:6Gr.put6:6to the test.6:8+6:8Gr.6:8strong.6:9+6:9Gr.fall6:9not aside.6:10+6:10Or,accounted6:10holy6:11+6:11Gr.6:11disciplined.6:17+6:17Or,her6:17beginning is the true desire6:17+6:17Gr.6:17truest.6:19+6:19Gr.makes6:19to be near.6:22+6:22Or,from6:22her first beginning6:23+6:23Gr.6:23wasted.6:23+6:23Gr.6:23this